Saturday, December 28, 2019

Creative Thinking Definition, Skills, and Examples

Creative Thinking Definition, Skills, and ExamplesCreative Thinking Definition, Skills, and ExamplesWhat is creative thinking, and why is it important in the workplace? Most people associate creativity with artistic tasks such as writing a novel, painting a picture, or composing music. While these are all creative endeavors, not all creative thinkers are artists. Many jobs require creative thinking, including positions in the worlds of business and science. Creativity simply means being able to come up with something new. Therefore, creative thinking is the ability to consider something a conflict between employees, a data set, a group project in a new way. Employers in all industries want employees who can do this. Be sure to highlight your ability to think creatively in your job applications. To do this, you first need to recognize your own creativity. What is Creative Thinking? Creative thinking means looking at something in a new way. It is the very definition of thinking o utside the box. Often, creativity in this sense involves what is called zur seite hin gelegen thinking, or the ability to perceive patterns that are not obvious. The fictional detective Sherlock Holmes uses lateral thinking in one famous story when he realizes that a dognotbarking is an important clue in a murder case. Creative people have the ability to devise new ways to carry out tasks,solve harte nusss, and meet challenges. They bring a fresh, and sometimes unorthodox, perspective to their work. This way of thinking can help departments and organizations move in mora productive directions. For these reasons, they are extremely valuable to a company. Some people are naturally more creative than others, but creative thinking can be strengthened with practice. You can develop creative thinking by solving riddles, being aware of (and letting go of) your assumptions, and through play. Play connotes anything unstructured and relaxing such as daydreaming. If there is someone in your in dustry who is known for being creative, you might to try to connect with that person and ask for an informational interview, or ask to job shadow him or her for a day. Watching someone work in creative ways can help you learn to be more creative yourself. Creative Thinking and the Job Search Some job descriptions state that creative thinking is required for the position. However, many employers want creative thinkers even though they havent articulated it. In either case, think about how your creative nature has helped you in the past and how it might be an asset in the job youre seeking. One way to highlight your creative thinking is in your application materials. In your resume and cover letter, consider including keywords that demonstrate your creativity, such as fresh and innovative. In your cover letter (and even in the Employment History section of your resume), include one or two specific examples of times your creative thinking added value to your company. For example, p erhaps you came up with a creative way to save your department money, or maybe you developed a new filing system that increased efficiency. Also come to your interview prepared withspecific examples of how youre able to demonstrate your creativity, just as you would with any other skill. This is especially important if the job description lists creativity or creative thinking as a requirement. If youre looking for creative opportunities as a means of personal fulfillment, you can find satisfaction in surprising places. Any job that allows you to put your own spin on your work will end up being creative. Top Creative Thinking Skills Analytical Before thinking creatively about something, you first have to be able to understand it. This requires the ability to examine things carefully to understand what they mean. Whether you are looking at a text, a set of data, a lesson plan, or an equation, you need to be able to analyze it first. Open-MindedCreativity involves thinking of thing s no one else has considered before. You have to set aside any assumptions or biases you may have, and look at things in a completely new way. By coming to a problem with an open mind, you allow yourself the chance to think creatively. Problem Solving Employers dont simply want to hire creative people because they are impressive. They want creative employees who will help them solve work-related issues. Therefore, when applying for jobs, highlight your ability not only to think creatively, but to use your creativity to solve an important issue. OrganizationThis might seem counterintuitive arent creative people known for being somewhat disorganized? Actually, organization is an important part of creativity. While you might need to get a bit messy when trying out a new idea, you then need to organize your ideas so that other people will be able to understand and follow through with your vision. Being able to structure a plan of action with clear goals and deadlines is vital. Communica tionPeople will only appreciate your creative idea or solution if you can communicate it effectively to the people you work with (or your clients or vendors). Therefore, you need to have strong written and oral communication skills. You also need to be able to fully understand a situation before thinking creatively about it. Therefore, you also need to be a good listener. By asking the right questions and understanding the problem, you can come up with a unique solution. Examples of Creative Thinking Opportunities for creative thought in the workplace vary from the obvious artistic position to the highly technical one. Generally, anything that involves an aha moment is consideredcreative. Here are some examples of how to display creative thinking in different jobs. Artistic CreativityYou dont have to be anartist for your work to have an artistic element. Perhaps you arrange retail displays for maximum impact, or shape the path of an enticing hiking trail. Other artistically crea tive tasks might include designing logos, writing advertising copy, creating the packaging for a product, or drafting a phone script for a fundraising drive. Composing a new fundraising script for volunteersComposing dialogue for a television or radio commercialCreating an exam to test student knowledgeCreating packaging for a productDesigning a logoDevising a lesson plan that will engage studentsProposing a new look for a clothing lineWriting compelling copy for a print or online advertisement Creative Problem-SolvingCreative problem-solving stands out as innovative. A creative problem solver will find new solutions rather than simply identifying and implementing the norm. You might brainstorm new ways to cut energy use, find new ways to cut costs during a budget crisis, or develop a unique litigation strategy to defend a client. These all entail creative thinking on your part. Brainstorming at a staff meeting to set a strategy for the next yearBrainstorming ways to cut energy useC oming up with new procedures to improve qualityDevising a more efficient way to process travel reimbursementsIdentifying ways to cut costs during a budget crisisIncreasing staff productivity by devising performance incentivesRestructuring a filing system to facilitate easier retrieval of informationSuggesting new ways of communication to alleviate marital conflictSuggesting a way to improve customer service Creativity in STEMSome people think of science and engineering as the exact opposite of art and creativity. However, the opposite is true. The field of STEM (i.e., science, technology, engineering, and math) is highly creative. For example, designing a more efficient assembly line robot, writing an innovative new computer program, or developing a testable hypothesis are all highly creative acts. In fact, the history of science and technology is filled with projects that did not work, not because of errors in technique or methodology, but because people remained stuck in assumpti ons and old habits. STEM fields need radical creativity in order to flourish and grow. Constructing a research model to test a hypothesisDevising a computer program to automate a billing processDevising a social media platform for a cell phoneIdentifying new ways to increase the number of blood donorsProposing behavioral changes for a patient who is overweightRedesigningmachinery on an assembly line to enhance productivity

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

6 Qualities of Wildly Successful People

6 Qualities of Wildly Successful People 6 Qualities of Wildly Successful People Adapted fromThe Success Mastery Academyby Brian TracyDo you want to be successful? You can be as long as you learn to think the way the most successful people think and adopt their habits.But what makes someone a master achiever? Here are six characteristics1. They Are AmbitiousThey believe they are capable of being the best. They see themselves as having thecapacity tobe really good at what they do.This was a really big thought for me. It held me back for many years. When I saw people who were doing better than I was, I naturally assumed they were better than I was. And if they were better than I was, then I must be a worse than them. So that would mean they were oben liegend and I was inferior.Thats a big problem in our societyWe have feelings of inferiority, and ansicht feelings of inferiority are often translated into feelings of undeservedness. The word deserve comes from two Latin words meaning f rom service. You deserve 100 percent of everything you make and enjoy as long as you get it from serving other people. If you serve better,serve more,serve at a higher level, serve more enthusiastically, and serve at a higher quality, then youll have a wonderful income and youll deserve every penny of it.You just must see yourself capable of being the best.2. They Are CourageousSuccessful people work to confront the fears that hold most people back. The two biggest enemies to our success are fear and doubt.When you do something repeatedly, you develop a habit. Make a habit throughout your life of doing the things that scare you. If you do the thing you fear, the death of fear is certain.So face your fears. The ability to confront your fears is the mark of the superior person. If you have high ambition and you decide to be at the top, and you can confront your fears and do the things that are holding you back, those two things alone will make you a great success.3. They Are Committe dThe top people in every field are completely committed. They believe in themselves they believe in their companies they believe in their products and services they believe in their customers. They have an intense belief.We know that there is a one-to-one relationship between the depth of your belief and what happens in your reality. If you absolutely believe in the rightness and the goodness of what youre doing, you become like a catalyst. You create what is called a transfer like an electrical transfer of enthusiasm.People who are not committed to what they do lead very empty lives. Caring is a critical element in life. All men and women who enjoy great lives care about what they do. They have passion about what they do. They love what they do.4. They Are PreparedSuccessful people review every detail in advance. They do things that the average person is not willing to do. They make sacrifices the average person is not willing to make. The differencethese sacrifices makeis extraor dinary.Before you go into a meeting, do your homework. Before you give a speech, research the information and practice your talking points. Dive in deep to review every detail of every situation before you take it on.Successful people are more concerned about pleasing results than they are about pleasing methods. There is nothing more complimentary to your team, your client, or your audience than the feeling that you have thoughtfully prepared.5. They Are Continuous LearnersHigh achievers recognize that if theyre not continually getting better, theyre getting worse. They read, they listen to CDs, and they take additional training. The professional never stops learning.6. They Are ResponsibleThe top people in our society have attitudes of self-employment. Thats essential, because 100 percent of us are self-employed We are presidents of our own personal services corporations. You work for yourself, and the biggest mistake you can ever make is thinkingyouwork for anyone else. The perso n who signs your paycheck may change, your job may change, but you are always the same. Youare the one constant.The fact of the matter is that this is not optional it is mandatory. Youre the president of your own career, your own life, your own finances, your own body, your own family, your own health. You are totally responsible.We have to be responsible. No one will ever do it for us. Its the most liberating and exhilarating thought of all, to realize that youre the president of your own life.A version of this article originally appeared on Tracy is a top-selling author of more than 45 books, as well as writer and producer of audio and video learning programs, including the best-selling The Psychology of Achievement.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

How to Write a Really Great Web Designer Resume

How to Write a Really Great Web Designer Resume How to Write a Really Great Web Designer Resume Writing a web designer resume can be a real challenge. How do you communicate yur creativity and knowledge of web strategy using just words?The good news is that its perfectly possible. Ive been writing resumes for web designers and other creative professionals for many years now, and Id like to share some of my top tips with you. Implement these changes to your resume and I promise youll see improved results.1) Web Designer Rule 1 Focus on results.As a creative professional, you might not naturally have a passion for results. You might be more interested in user experience, or typography, or graphics all of which are of course vital to your work. But ignoring results is a fatal mistake. The ultimate purpose of your work is to generate results, whether that be increased user engagement, higher e-commerce sales, or improved brand awareness. And the great thing about your job is that its po ssible to meaaya the impact of almost everything you do.If you dont know the results of the work youve done, do your best to find out. Talk to your employer or your clients and explain that youre interested in understanding the impact of your designs. Ask if theyd mind sharing. And make a notenzeichen any time someone tells you a positive statistic. Each result you can describe wil strengthen your resume.2) Web Designer Resume Rule 2 Write a powerful summary.The first half of the first page is the most important part of your resume. Its here that the recruiter will make his or her initial snap decision and you want it to be in your favour. This introduction needs to convey two things 1) that your designs get results and 2) how you do it. For example, if your great strength is branding, you might start with a headline that reads Experienced web designer who has driven sales increases of 200% and more through the creation of compelling online brands that truly resonate with the target audience.Heres much more on how to write an effective resume summary.3) Web Designer Rule 3 Link to an online portfolio.While your resume is important, its your work that will really sell you and employers expect to be able to review it easily and quickly. Thats why an online portfolio is vital. Use a service like Behance if you dont have your own website and make sure that the designs you include are your very best. And make sure that the link to your portfolio is easy to find perhaps by using formatting to highlight it on the resume (see an example here).4) Web Designer Rule 4 Make sure your resume looks nice.As a designer, its vital that your resume shows that you have good taste and style. It doesnt need to be fancy in fact I think designers can often get too creative with their resumes to the detriment of their sales message. But it does need to show that you know how to lay out a page well. See our resume samples for ideas.5) Web Designer Rule 5 Include keywords.Because of the nature of your work, its likely that your resume will be screened for technical and design skills before a human ever sees it. Make sure that you list all the software you know, all the web programs you use, all the design skills you have. This way, your resume is more likely to make it through to a real human, where all the rest of the great work youve done will shine through.I hope these tips have helped you see how you can revamp your resume. For more detailed assistance, be sure to check out our free resume writing course. Over 2 weeks, youll receive an email a day, each one detailing key success strategies for making your resume really stand out. Good luck

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Breastfeeding Australian lawmaker Larissa Waters makes Parliament history

Breastfeeding Australian lawmaker Larissa Waters makes Parliament historyBreastfeeding Australian lawmaker Larissa Waters makes Parliament historyWhen maternity leave ends and a working motherbei has to return to her job, the hard work of motherhood is just getting started.CNN reportedthat for the first time, a baby was breastfed in Australian parliament.Queensland Senator Larissa Waters, co-deputy leader of Australias Green party, fed little Alia Joy on her first day back from maternity leave on Tuesday, and tweeted a celebratory photo.The idea that the move was so newsworthy points to the ongoing debate about breastfeeding while on the job, as illustrated by women who have done so at work around the world.A mother-daughter zweierverbindung in governmentLarissa and Alia may have made history, but it took a year.BBC News reported in February 2016 that the Australian House of Representatives had a policy change, authorizing lawmakers to breastfeed and bottle-feed in the chamber.Babies have appeared in parliaments before. In 2016, Spanish politician Carolina Bescansa breastfed her 5-month-old son in Parliament in an effort to highlight the struggles faced by working mothers, according to HuffPost,and both conservatives and feminists voiced their opposition.The cutest example was probably the baby daughter of Italian politician Licia Ronziulli, who accompanied her during voting in the European Parliament in 2010, when the official was mucksmuschenstill breastfeeding. The little girl made multipleappearances in the chamber over the years, voting with her mother.This is one of the messages Ronziulli reportedly retweeted to stand up for Bescansa in 2016.Background on maternal rights at workBreastfeeding is still a controversialtopic, even among mothers. Its a normal biological function for many women, and women shouldnt be shamed for it, but many still debate the choice passionately.The other political statements of breastfeeding politicians, however, are about the a vailability of childcare and other policies for working mothers. When alternative childcare options arent available for working mothers with infants, things get tricky. Its not easy to choose between breastfeeding a hungry child out of sheer necessity in certain situations (and at such a critical time for child development), and choosing to find other methods.Progress for working mothers in the United States is still on the slow side. It depends heavily on how accommodating employers can be.ABC News reported on a national survey of 422 employees in the US by Workplace Options in 2011, which reportedly said that 44% had a clean, private place to pump breast milk at work, and 36% reported not being able to incorporate pumping breaks because their work schedule was not flexible enough.According to the United States Department of Labor, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - widely known as the Affordable Care Act- changed a part of the Fair Labor Standards Act, making itman datory for employers to give reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk for her nursing child for 1 year after the childs birth each time such employee has need to express the milk.Employers also have to give employees a place, other than a bathroom, that is shielded from view and free from intrusion from coworkers and the public, which may be used by an employee to express breast milk.There are state laws about breastfeeding and milk at work, andapparently, all employers covered by the FLSA must comply with the break time for nursing mothers provision.The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported that according to estimate of The National Institutes of Health, at least six milk expression stations for every 1000 female employees should be the general rule.Elle Magazine even profiled The Best Lactation Rooms Across America, including ones at Google, Discovery Channel, IBM, and General Mills.American University professor makes time for her babyin classFu ll disclosure Im a graduate of American University. When I was a student, I remember hearing about the time hochschulprofessor Adrienne Pine breastfed her sick baby on the first day of a Sex, Gender Culture class in 2012. The Washington Post said, the single mother worried that she had no good child-care options when her child awoke with a fever.The polarizing dialogue I heard on campus echoed the ongoing conversation anddivide surrounding this topic - some people cheered her on, while others questioned the fact that she chose to breastfeed in a professional space.According to The Washington Post, American University issued multiple statements, the first of which seemed against Pines decisions, generally citing them as a health issue because the baby was sick, but that similar situations could happen to any parent with multiple responsibilities, and that staff should use sick leave, break times and private areas for nursing mothers to express milk.The professor even wrote a post p ublished on CounterPunch.orgtitled Exposing My Breasts on the Internet, where she tells her side of the story, includingher strong opposition to the American University student newspaper deeming it newsworthy,and emails between her and members of the student group (which university officials reportedly opposed because of how students were depicted).Working mothers babies wont stop needing nourishment any time soon, so it may be time that the expectations for breastfeeding in various workplaces is slowlyshifting.

Monday, December 9, 2019

All About 2018 Resume Trends

All About 2018 Resume Trends The Honest to Goodness Truth on 2018 Resume Trends Some resume trends are useless while some can make or break your work search Some resume trends could be silly, but others are amazingly valuable take some time to learn the difference. By highlighting past areas of succeeding, you are going to demonstrate the recruiter you will be similarly successful later on. Take a look at the one which youve been using, maybe even for a couple of years now. In order to advertise yourself as a proactive candidate for virtually any job in 2018, its important to construct your resume on modern trends. Fortunately, you may make an eye-catching CV easily since there are plenty of options to construct your resume within a couple of minutes. All you need to do is simply edit the document to include your private details. All you have to do is add your details. Your resume must be filled with all the data that you will need to convey about yourself to advertise you rself. Resume Trends Options Possessing a great resume format is crucial to organizing your info in a sense which will help you become noticed. Even when youre sending your resume through a human recruiter, you should select an effective resume format that is famous in the business. Simply take a look to learn which format you need to use. When you format your resume you need to be certain your leave enough margin space to permit for printing. Facts, Fiction and 2018 Resume Trends The work description might also earn a difference. Dont make the error of answering each job posting with the exact generic resume. You should understand, that resume format is essential, since it can boost your odds to get invited for an interview. Each resume format was made to boost your odds to find the job in 2018. To remain safe, you may have an expert review and critique your CV at no cost. Below, you will discover a list of resume examples that may assist you with your work search. Have a look at our article on the way to use your job references strategically in the event you need more info. When youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to know how to vary using action verbs and receive a feel for what makes an effective accomplishment statement. Selecting the most suitable fonts for your resume is essential so choose wisely. Creating a resume can be a difficult undertaking. Creating a resume with the assistance of a template can help you become mindful of the resume areas that you have to fill. Selecting a resume format in 2019 isnt as difficult as you expect. Recruiters find the absolute most value if they can realize your career progress and the way you have evolved as a professional. They want to know more about you than a boring list of skills. 2018 Resume Trends The peak of your resume should includecritical search phrases and a fast snapshot of your core strengths, Leavy-Detrick states. Therefore make certain your resume is full of industry certain key terms. Therefore, be sure that your resume is full of industry-specific keyword phrases and terminology. Men and women use all types of resume templates which use different sort of entwurf approaches, but ultimately its always likely to come to the simple fact that your resume should convey a very clear message above your skills, your experience, and also why youd be the ideal candidate for the position. If thats the case, then every facet of your game has to be razor sharpespecially your resume. Well, it all comes down to how you use your keywords and what sort of design you want to provide it. Thus, utilizing a mix of established resume standards together with the hottest trends (by deciding upon a recognized and current resume format), you greatly increase your probability of getting shortlisted by companies. The style of resume you will use greatly is dependent on your professional work background and qualifications. The very first thing yo u ought to do is make sure a possible employer knows whose resume theyre taking a look at Your work experiences are among the most critical contents of your resume. Ensure you didnt miss whatever could cost you the job that you dream about When youre working at your present job youre not stressed, seems like everything goes smooth and with no troubles. The photo tells the employers lots of the things which theyd want to understand about you. Because you wish to provide a lot of attention to both, you might not have much room left for different sections, like a resume summary, volunteer work, interests, etc.. One of the greatest approaches to stick out from the remainder of the pack is to create a solid first impression with a noteworthy resume. Double check to be certain that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. Plenty of job seekers even dont understand where to get started. You must modify each resume that you send out dependent on the work descriptio n. For some jobs, you are going to want to highlight certain abilities, while for others, youre want to demonstrate related experience. In addition, you can look for secretary jobs on Monster. Hiring managers are busy people and should they scan your resume and cant locate some information or skills fast you arent the one, whod find a call today Odds are your hiring team has no clue how to optimize a job posting so it is going to show up on the very first page of Google.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Top Guide of Should You Put Creaive Writing on Your Resume

Top Guide of Should You Put Creaive Writing on Your Resume Then turning into a professional resume writer could possibly be the ideal freelance writing job for you. There are a number of benefits of on-line freelance writing jobs. If youre religious be ready to lose writing jobs due to your beliefs. Its possible to compare various jobs offered and choose which jobs you wish to do based on your schedule. The Secret to Should You Put Creaive Writing on Your Resume Writing prompts may also be utilised to help students get prepared for the standardized tests. In fact, lots of students arent going to do very very good at all because they misunderstood the notion of the writing prompt they were assigned to. On-line college courses in writing will be able to help you hone your communicative skills irrespective of your profession. Besides tutoring in college, youre able to also provide online courses for students that are eager to increase their creative writing abilities. Writing and essay prompts are a terrific learning tool that will help you concentrate on a specific subject or topic and practice writing on such topic utilizing suitable sentence structure and development. Through journaling, students learn to consider ideas from new angles and develop creative, new methods of thinking. Through journaling, a student also develops a deeper knowledge of the distinctive preferences that define them as a person. In the united kingdom and Australia, in addition to increasingly in the united states and the remainder of the Earth, creative writing is regarded as a discipline in its own right, not an offshoot of any other discipline. Writing blog posts is a fast and straightforward method to make money and earn exposure, as numerous sites will enable a brief bio with a link back to your site. As long because you can provide well written, thoughtful content you may make quite a bit of money. To be permitted to sell you must register on their website by supply ing appropriate specifics. What About Should You Put Creaive Writing on Your Resume? Creative writing is a fairly unsteady field of work. While being an excellent writer is crucial, you also have to have the persistence to submit your writing for publication. The most important focus here is to utilize your imagination and just continue writing. Whether for stage or screen, there are various elements to think about when writing a script. Facts, Fiction and Should You Put Creaive Writing on Your Resume A writer loses the capability to distinguish reality from the fantastical worlds of their stories. Yes, its possible to make cash with your writing. Despite the significant number of academic creative writing programs around the world, many individuals argue that creative writing may not be taught. Freelance writing is just one of the greatest strategies to earn money from home. Things You Should Know About Should You Put Creaive Writing on Your Resume As your experience gro ws, you are going to come across methods to boost your format and your abilities. Writing training can help you keep up a logical flow, which is essential for manuals and instruction. How well you write will be based on the skills youre taught and furthermore, the skills you practice to be able to get speed and knowledge. Next, you have to refine your craft abilities and display them to the world. Getting off to a good beginning in academic writing is straightforward. It is a powerful way for kids to grow more aware of themselves. List everything you may think about it and earn a list. See the complete collection of 30 Topics for Writing Ideas Here Imagine that youre stuck in a TV.